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Short course Quantum Gravity
Longevity and wellbeing
You will not hear from mainstream scientists about the importance of a Spiritual healing in longevity and restoring healing and wellbeing in the later years of your life. The reason for this is the difficulties in understanding the processes that take place to obtain a spiritual healing. The experience is not easy to describe as it is full of scientific terms.
Let's just say that there is a beautiful relationship between the journey the Christ took in the Passion Story and his crucifixion and resurrection that corresponds to the biological pathway associated with the formation of memory and its recall. This quantum biological process is associated with the hydrogen atom (Christ within biology), and the role that Christ plays in the process of healing and transformation of His form through the pathway of His transformation whilst within the tomb. The rebirth into a new form that enables Christ to go through walls and control His form. He is converting the light into form within us also. This quantum biological pathway is associated with hydrogen, and it is this hydrogen within the aromatic ring that plays such a vital role in our bodies in generating the energy required to healing and regenerate.
Discovering this natural process linked to proton tunnelling. What is tunnelling? Think of it somewhat like the tunnel that connects London and Paris that the train goes through. It is underground and you cannot see it from the surface on a boat on the water. The normal approach to get to Paris from London would be to fly in a plane or sail on a boat. These approaches to transport are traditional and require much energy. This is the thinking associated with the distance being a number of meters to London to Paris and you have to go by one of these routes where there could be many people also wanting to go. You have to wait your turn.
What quantum tunnelling does is allow you to travel from London to Paris much faster and through the tunnel allowing you to reach your destination without having to wait in line. What I am implying is that quantum tunnelling is a short cut. A way to get to the destination faster and with less energy expense than the traditional approach by boat or plane.
This appears to be exactly what the hydrogen atom is capable of doing as well as electrons and positrons. The quarks are extremely good at tunnelling as well into and out of the nucleus of atoms. There is a party going on down there within the nucleus and you're not invited. If you were invited and if you could see this shortcut, then your entire universe and how you looked at it would change. It would get you to look down into the very small and see how the distances are very large from the Planck perspective.
I know this is a strange thing to be talking about when discussing longevity and wellbeing but here is the catch. The closer you get to Planck distances the closer you are to the singularity of the black hole, and this offers you something that no one has figured out yet more time. Time slows down the faster you travel and thing about things getting really closer together is that they have so much energy that they travel really fast. By travelling fast down at the Planck scale it is 7.4767E+30 (meters / second). That is way faster than the speed of light. The strength of gravity is such that you cannot fathom that the energy release would only travel slowly because of the gravitational influence. When you look into the numbers it is like OMG and the 21.8 micrograms per Planck length is massive when there are 6.25E+34 Planck lengths in one meter.
The strange thing about biology is that it is connected to the Planck energy system. Our biology has access to this enormous cosmological energy. How did I find out about this energy for biological systems. I discovered this through the physics of biology. Quantum biology offers insight into your quantum capabilities. Yes, you also have a quantum nature that you are most likely completely unaware of unless you have had some pretty cool but strange experiences. This is how you get your quantum competency. You do not become focused on the physics of solid matter as matter is not solid. We know that there are four forces and one of these is gravity within atoms. The quantum gravity approach that I have discovered allowed me to look into the subatomic particle processes of biological systems. What I found was amazing. Yes, we are capable of extracting energy out of the vacuum of space. Linking from Planck to the cosmic microwave background is a temporal system that spans the age of the universe. My SUSY inversion model provides a navigation toolbar to explore the unseen dimensions of reality through quantum gravitational investigatory mathematics.
I am starting my teaching short courses on quantum gravity calculations. If you are interested, please contact me or signup today to get exclusive access to quantum biological information based on quantum gravity.