• ​I used up the spray ages ago, but it was great thanks. I got a real buzz off it the first time I used it, but more energy the other times.

  • This from our friend Heidi " I am pretty impressed with the spray - amazing on my neck and head - seems to draw the pain away.

  • I also suffered bad chaffing from regular kayaking and spayed the vitality/ wellbeing spray on every night and the chaffing and pain disappeared.

  • NANOS images

    Awesome product. I used the product to treat my muscle and joint pain and it works like miracle! Dr. Eng. Klaus

  • Benefits include rapid pain relief in a topical spray that is natural and easy to use. Carry it around in your handbag for a discrete way to manage pain through the restorative features of the light healing technology made by bee and recovered gently from Manuka honey.

  • Regarding your bee have headache and muscle pain spray, bloody hell I can’t believe it works. . . It is especially good on my burning neck muscles (whiplash injury) and the girls reckon it’s great for their sore muscles. Love it.

  • I gave a bottle of the headache, muscle and joint spray to my 91-year-old mother who has had chronic neck pain. She felt instant relief. She is applying it daily and said that her neck movement is increasing daily. Betty Bryson

  • My partner burnt his thumb. after running it under cold water for a bit he sprayed your product on it and he had zero pain and it is healing. I only just found this out. I'm pretty sure this had to happen before I could write this. Holy shit... I'm actually shocked.

  •  PS: My mom ordered your spray as it helped with a ruptured vein on her finger. She gets them occasionally from knitting a lot. They can be quite painful and usually take a week or so to heal. With your spray it had cleared up completely the very next day!!! She says: "it’s normally a painful healing. This time, it just disappeared." 😊 Gerlinde Ullrich.

  • I have been using Oh bee have spray for the last 6 months and I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my movement and general wellbeing.  I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my back hips and knees, and since using this product to help with pain relief, which is almost instantaneous, I noticed the pain has become less and less painful over this period.

  • Thank you Keryn so much, I have all of your sprays and feel the difference to my wellbeing. I also really appreciate the time you take to explain the products and guide me when I am helping family and friends. My brother-in-law has Parkinson's, and I sprayed his big toe as it was achy, he did not notice his toe at all for the rest of the evening.

  • Benefits include rapid pain relief in a topical spray that is natural and easy to use. Carry it around in your handbag for a discrete way to manage pain through the restorative features of the light healing technology made by bee and recovered gently from Manuka honey.

  • OH BEE HAVE - vitality and wellbeing 100mL

    18/05/2020 After struggling with melasma and burning sensations of my facial skin over two years with doctors unable to tell me why, I happened upon this product. I use a few sprays each morning and I’m pleased to report that I haven’t experienced burning skin since using this, even when I go into the sun or drink alcohol which used to be a major trigger. Even the dark spots seem to be lessening, my fine lines are non-existent, and I have been feeling a lot less depressed than I was before using the spray.

  • Good for pain relief - OH BEE HAVE

    Oh Bee Have certainly helps my body, mind and spirit to behave! I am sure I broke my little toe during the government lockdown and for two weeks hobbled about using arnica and other natural products. I remembered that I had a sample of the headache, muscle and joint spray. When I sprayed it on my toe and foot, I felt immediate relief and could walk normally again. I highly recommend this product. Linda Schofield 

  • Good for the mind - OH BEE HAVE

    I recently purchased three of your products and have been mostly enjoying the one for pain.  I'm 66 years old with knee issues so have found the joint pain has lessened to the level that I've not needed to use it very often.  This is a wonderful product and I have watched both interviews with you and Doctor Ana which helps me further to understand to some degree, the beautiful and magical quantum physics behind this Manuka honey product.  I will promote and share my experience with others.

  • Good for skin rejuvenation - OH BEE HAVE

    I’ve suffered from chronic neck pain on and off over the years due to a car and ski accident. When I get stressed, it flares up. I go to osteopaths and chiropractors and have massages but for quick pain relief I’ve never come across anything quite like this product. I spray it on behind my neck and rub it in gently- within 30 seconds to a 1 minute the pain is remarkably subdued down to something manageable. Then a few more sprays and its gone! I carry it in my handbag also.

  • Mum says "something is slowing down or stopping my arthritis". I've had her on two sprays a day, one for each hand for a couple of months. Yeah, and her eyes are so clear & she's mentally sharper. Thanks!

  • PTSD, bipolar, depression and dementia are all diseases of the mind. The nootropic benefits have also been explored by several people using OH BEE HAVE empowering healing.

  • My mom ordered your spray as it helped with a ruptured vein on her finger. She gets them occasionally from knitting a lot. They can be quite painful and usually take a week or so to heal. With your spray it had cleared up completely the very next day!!! She says: "it’s normally a painful healing. This time, it just disappeared." 

  • I was a bit sceptical before trying this product in all honesty, but I ended up spraining my ankle pretty badly and after applying some Manuka spray on the area it was fully functional after a couple of hours, also useful for relieving joint pain to my surprise, I find it pretty damn useful for almost anything! You really wont regret buying it.

  • Both my husband and I have had trouble with back and joint pain for years and have been to chiropractors and doctors and tried all sorts of balms but nothing has ever eased the pain as fast or as long lasting as the oh bee have spray. Thank you so much. I believe in this product and will be sharing it with everyone I know. Kind regards Heather Cork

  • ​I would like to start this by stating that I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to these cure-all type products, I've never quite understood how one product is able to help with so many different things and actually work. I used some of my friends spray to see if I liked it before getting a bottle and I was sold on it pretty quickly. To keep this brief, I will list the things that I have used this spray on that it has genuinely helped with:

  • Tooth ache from a wisdom tooth coming through, Soothing sore throat, spraying it on acne and pimples, muscle aches and pains, specifically on my neck, spraying on my temples when I have a headache, soothing sunburn, spraying it on my lower back when I have period cramps.

  • Allergies and Congestion - it works! This worked straight away for my partner on the days when anything triggered a sneezing allergy and blocked nose. It would work for a few hours - and then he'd need to use it again. He'd been doing that for a couple of weeks, but interestingly hasn't needed it recently, but it is on standby for if and when he does again! Catherine S.  New Zealand

  • Good for allergies + nasal congestion - OH BEE HAVE

    ​I received a bottle of OH BEE HAVE off Keryn and found it really amazing, loved reading up on the science behind the product and I am an energy healer myself so very sensitive to energies and vibrations, using this product I felt I was calmer and more at peace connected to the oneness of the universe. It sure is what it says it is. Highly recommended buying a bottle for yourself and giving it a go for a few months.  

  • oh bee have - d-tox alchemical detoxification 100ml

    I believe this spray is also good for shedding; I was experiencing aches and pains in my neck and shoulders and pounding in my temples after two people in my bubble got the vaccine. After spraying this on these areas, I felt a dramatic improvement in my health.  I repeated this the morning after, and my symptoms dissipated. I am 100% in support of this product which I call my miracle cure. 

  • oh bee have - hacky biohacking supplement

    A natural way to reduce the complications associated with allergies and hay-fever. Being able to use nature's secrets to help people to keep themselves well is a gift worth sharing. I hope you enjoy the products and the ability to keep yourself well in these difficult times. Here is what others have said about the benefits of the nasal spray. If you would like to take advantage of using OH BEE HAVE empowering healing in your wellness centre, please let me know. Regenerative healing using apitherapy.

  • oh bee have - door-qi self love

    Tony says Hello. When I opened the package from you on Friday morning. The first person who saw it was Tony who used to work at Lactose company in 1990. He recognized the words “The Milky Whey“ on the box. He has asked me to say Hello. Also, I provided a friend of mine a couple of sprays on his knee the week before. He has come back for more. He has had a problem with that knee since he was sixteen, and the pain has disappeared. He managed to do concreting this week without pain. He is a builder now in his forties.  Know we will meet one day.

  • Natural remedy for happy rash and things like it. I am allergic to sanitary pads and am yet to find a suitable alternative. This means that I still use them despite the reaction I get from them. I recently had a severe reaction to the point that it was painful to walk. I sprayed this on the affected area about 2-3 times and it was basically a miracle. The swelling and pain had gone away and was completely soothed. I would highly recommend this product as a wonderful and natural remedy for happy rash or any irritations like it. 

  • The spray provided some small relief to my eyes when I rubbed it into the lower inside eyeball area. I had to reapply quite frequently throughout the day for some mild temporary relief. We had overnight rain which dampened down the pollen, and I had an entire full day of relief, and now the following day symptoms are extremely minimal, practically non-existent.  I just went outside in the tall seeding grass with only ski glasses covering my eyes, and no mask to prevent breathing in pollen.  I haven't sneezed once or had any allergic response at all!!  That's incredulous.  Usually I have rotten symptoms until the very end of December, so let's see what happens now.  I did find my skin and hair has been super soft and I barely need to use any moisturizer which is not at all normal for my mature skin.

  • Hi, I bought one of your bee sprays at the resolution festival and said that I would write a review but haven't got around to it yet until now. A friend of mine used your product in a healing system that uses the frequencies to treat people and you can put the products like yours in it which it can then beam the frequency into a person. Whilst doing that the effects I found were like a portal or opening in my sinus that was supposed to be open but I had it closed, kind of like a clenched muscle. I felt like it was a connection of my body via the sinuses to the outside world that I was resisting with subconscious beliefs that was causing my hay fever, after the one treatment, my hay fever significantly reduced. I also found it useful for spraying up a blocked stuffy nose. Thank you and I hope you are well. 

  • I’ve also recently moved homes and the amount of dust that was stirred up caused headaches and sinus clogging! The allergies and nasal congestion product worked a treat with a few simple sprays around the edge of the nose- after minutes the feeling of being clogged had subdued right down.

  • Subtle and effective.  I loved using this product and know that it did lift my spirits when I was feeling a bit blue and upset. Highly recommend this and use it to see for yourself! Thank you for inventing such an effective tool all made naturally :-) A++++ Sommer W.  New Zealand

  • I’m very happy with these products and will continue purchasing them as well as sharing them with my friends and colleagues.

  • It helped heal my PTSD. A real benefit for me in starting my new role at work. Thanks.