Dementia and Alzheimer's disease and reversing cognitive decline

A new model has been developed that identifies a functional role for minerals in the brain and the formation of memory and memory recall. This model provides a framework to investigate the implications of how light interacts with electrons and how these changes relate to brain function. Near infrared light is being used by others but Quantum Technologies Limited has been using light at the other end of the electromagnetic and visible part of the spectrum. 

You could say the technology developed has been used in individuals in clinical case evaluation of the potential benefits in mind health applications. The discovery of the geometry of hydrogen responsible for the ability to quantum tunnel means that the physics of single atoms and their isotopes can be explored and used to understand how time is created within the human mind. 

The mind also provides the conscious experience and those who are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease the hope is by restoring the functional quantum tunnelling processes happening within the aromatic ring of the neurotransmitters as well as the isotope processes for memory recall the healing of the mind, consciousness, and memory can be restored.

This is not a genetic approach but a more fundamental physics approach. Having identified a product (Manuka honey) and its mode of action to support restoring the functional properties of the mind, as well as, having identified the mode of action at an atomic physics level Quantum Technologies Ltd is about to embark on clinical evaluation of its products in patients with diseases associated with memory. We need your help to do this. We need your financial support and the people interested in using the product to support there mental function and wellbeing to see if we together can turn the tide in dementia and Alzheimer's disease in New Zealand and internationally.

Costs of diseases of the mind 

Exploration isotopes and an atoms stability has revealed plausible explanations for the generation of unstable atoms through quantum tunnelling of hydrogen in neurotransmitters and the functional role of biophotons in biological processes that correspond to the decay processes in atoms that are timed through atomic decay half-lives. This new theoretical framework of hydrogen biology provides context for ATP generation in the mitochondria and the ATPase generating water through the bringing together of oxygen (as the terminal electron acceptor) and hydrogen (proton) to produce water H3O+ and the role the proton has in pH and the protonation of amines. This linkage between food and hydrogen biology is critical in understanding the role hydrogen plays in isotope formation in neurotransmitter function outside of the neuron in the extracellular milieu within the high water content of the brain.

The brain mind interface appears to be directly related to the functionality of hydrogen in the biology of atom formation within the hexagon rings of neurotransmitters and the coordination chemistry responsible for excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters appears to be linked to coordination chemistry and the number of coordination sites provided by electron donating groups within the neurotransmitter. Identification of the functional role of the neurotransmitter outside of neuron firing and receptor mediated uptake provides the framework to understand the physics of light within atoms (electromagnetic force) and the role of atomic decay events in memory formation and recall of memory. A time reversal symmetry is inherently present in the physics of atoms in the mind and this can now be understood through the features of quantum tunnelling and entanglement happening within the biology of memory itself. 

With the rationale for memory creation within atoms themselves as sources of light that can be unlocked using biological tools involved in regenerative medicine including those developed by Quantum Technologies Limited, a shift in understanding can occur as well as how dementia and Alzheimer's disease can be treated using topical light based foods that contain the monoatomic mineral complexes made by bees. The apitherapy product OH BEE HAVE empowering healing NaNos is showing promising early signs of resolving mental health crisis in individuals as well as a range of other possibilities. 

This is a major step forward in the battle to support healthy aging of the mind. Turning back on hydrogen's ability to quantum tunnel is a fundamental physics problem in a persons health and wellbeing.  

The addition of hydrogen to the bound minerals creates an unstable isotopes. The isotope returns to a stable form through a process of releasing light (atomic decay). This inner atomic light source provides an explanation for the light observed in dreams, with inverted retina (rods and cones in the retina pointing inward towards the brain), picking up this light (photons released by decaying atoms) during sleep with our eyes closed. Other features of the new science model for atomic memory formation include the generation of visible light due to the photo-electric effect and Balmer line electron transitions within the n=2 orbital layer within hydrogen (Bohr model).

The loss of memory and brain function in Dementia and Alzheimer's disease can be seen as the loss of this functionality within neurotransmitters that relates to an amine and the aromatic ring containing a single atom formation mechanism.

The presence of misfolded proteins (tau), could effect this light based memory system external to the neuron and could result in the scattering and absorbance of light by plaques and tangles. The model suggests that similar to cooking an egg, the egg white changes from transparent (allowing light to pass through without interaction), to opaque preventing light passing through resulting in the scattering of the light. If this is the basis for loss of memory then removal of plagues and tangles would potentially restore the functional quantum tunnelling aspects of the neurotransmitters. This potentially has been tried using enzyme inhibitors to prevent plaques and tangles forming but this has failed to result in the cure of the disease and the memory function has not returned.

A new approach is being investigated to reverse cognitive decline by Quantum Technologies Ltd. The exploration of photo-Fenton chemistry, which converts biological tissues back into CO2 and water is being investigated as a therapeutic intervention. This system has the ability to completely remove plaques and tangles from the mind.  This has the potential to restore brain function and restore memory. The new model along with early evidence for the mind health benefits observed is a revolutionary discovery and is associated with singularity physics model developed by Dr Johnson and his unique approach to understand non-interactive logical approaches to restore atomic balance. Regenerative apitherapy medicines are currently under development by Quantum Technologies Limited and the healing properties of these products are being clinically evaluated in individual clinical case studies.


What aspects of the human mind does light play a role in?

If we consider the human eye and how the retinal molecule undergoes cis / trans isomerization  to convert a light based signed into an electrical signal then consider that light is the interaction between and electrical field and a magnetic field and the mind emits both an electric and magnetic field as well as use light it starts to paint an interesting picture. Poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS) have a role to play in neuron function. Could it be that cis / trans isomerization events are also occurring in lipid membranes of neurons and that these switches transfer light based signals down the neuron? Many of the physiological features of anaesthetics are lipid loving and may interfere with these light based signals. The PUFA lipids may act to signal in plasma membranes through cis / trans isomerization events.

Other functional roles light plays include the photo-electric effect, where photons interact with electrons leading to the absorbance of light, resulting in a electron transition going from one orbital layer to another corresponding to the distance between the two orbital layers. Only specific wavelengths of light can interact with electrons in certain atoms and these transitions correspond to Fraunhofer lines and are diagnostic for elements in the periodic table.


The diagnostic lines for hydrogen corresponding to visible wavelengths of light correspond to the Balmer series of electron transitions. Hydrogen will contain electrons that allow this transition series. The structure of the neurotransmitters with aromatic ring structures and amines (monoamines) will be able to transfer hydrogen into the coordinated mineral bound to the pi electrons in the ring structure.

The example given above is the coordination of sodium to the aromatic ring. There are 21 recognized isotopes of sodium (11Na), ranging from 18Na to 39Na and two isomers (22m
 and 24mNa). 23Na is the only stable (and the only primordial) isotope. It is considered a monoisotopic element and it has a standard atomic weight of 22.98976928(2). Sodium has two radioactive cosmogenic isotopes (22Na, half-life = 2.605 years; and 24Na, half-life ≈ 15 hours). With the exception of those two, all other isotopes have half-lives under a minute, most under a second. The shortest-lived is 18Na, with a half-life of 1.3(4)×10−21 seconds. So there are atomic clocks built into atoms and that is based on their geometry which corresponds to their half life. The greater the imbalance within the atoms e.g. when the number of protons > than the number of neutrons or the number of neutrons > than the number of protons the isotopes are unstable. The stable isotope is obtained when the number of protons = the number of neutrons.


During the decay process to make stable the stable isotope light is released. The idea is that this inner light source from within the atomic structure of the atom is able to be released to restore an equal number of protons and neutrons within the atom. So why does an equal of protons and neutrons provide atomic stability? Well, if you consider Up and Down quarks as -1 and +1 pairs of electron and positron which makes a photon of light of zero mass and charge then the pairing up of quarks in the proton with the quarks in the neutron makes three photons or three pairs of electron and positron (Up and Down quarks). The concept of a photon having no mass and no charge but it being made of an electron and a positron in a super symmetry state provides a conceptual framework as to how to build the geometry of atoms based on the principles of photons or light within the atom structure. The monoatomic mineral having been coordinated in the aromatic ring environment of the neurotransmitter contains both positron and electron held in a state of symmetry by the geometry of the aromatic ring carbon pi electrons. The other functional feature of this environment is the amine and its ability to deliver hydrogen into the monoatomic atom through quantum tunnelling. Hydrogen containing two electrons and two positrons would be added into the monoatomic mineral coordinated to the aromatic ring of the neurotransmitter creating a new unstable isotope. The more hydrogen added to the coordinated monoatomic the more light that is added to the atom.

If these processes are occurring in the monoatomic minerals coordinated to the neurotransmitters then different photons will be released at different time points depending on the atoms stability. The decay processes that restore symmetry could result in an internal atomic light source that provides the light observed in dreams at night with your eyes closed. If this is the case then the atomic source of light needs to correlate to time periods that make sense biologically. Na 21/11 lasts 22.49 seconds, Na 22/11 lasts 2.6 years, Na 24/11 lasts 14.997 hours and 25/11 Na lasts 59.1 seconds. This clearly shows how light could drive hydrogen uptake into monoatomic atoms leading to the formation of unstable atoms (isotopes of sodium) that release light at given time periods providing a source of released memory in the form of atomic light release corresponding to the memory created during that period when the original memory was created. This provides a functional role of light in the formation of memory, which is stored in the mono-atomics of the mind and that have known temporal features allowing for the recovery of memories at a specific later date (part of the natural time reversal symmetry happening within atoms). If provides a physics basis for memory recall.

The role water plays in the formation of memory and the function of the mind?

The biggest reservoir of hydrogen in the brain is water (H3O+ and OH-), when in balance pH 7.0 is obtained. The pH directly impacts the addition of hydrogen to the amines present in neurotransmitters.


The amine NH2 group in the image of dopamine above can also have the following structure NH3+. Depending on the pH the amine can be in either form. At 37 degrees C the pKa (pH where the amine is 50% in the NH2 form and 50% in the NH3 form) values of many biologically interesting compounds including dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline are within 1 log unit of physiological pH (meaning that the exchange of hydrogen on and off the amine can occur), indicating the presence of a significant proportion of either the zwitterion (NH3+) or of the uncharged phenolic amine (NH2). So under normal conditions both forms are present in the mind. The exchange rate can occur a greater than 10E+11 times per second meaning the there is the potential for a transfer mechanism whereby hydrogen via quantum tunnelling is added to  monoatomic minerals coordinated to neurotransmitter aromatic rings and this is coupled to hydrogen (proton) exchange on the amine functional group. This would provide an understanding why decarboxylation of the amino is necessary for neurotransmitter function as an atomic machine that builds single atoms through hydrogen driven transmutation of the element producing unstable isotopes which then release energy to restore symmetry providing geometric stability within the atomic structure and start a new cycle of hydrogen driven atomic energy generation within the mind. An example of photons of energy being released at different time periods if the atom is Fe (iron) coordinated to the dopamine ring.


Isotopes and their role in biology:    

Here are some isotopes of iron (Fe) and their half lives. The more imbalance between protons and neutrons the shorter the half life. 72/26 (150 nanoseconds) --> 71/26 (150 nanoseconds) --> 70/26 (94 milliseconds) --> 69/26 (109 milliseconds) --> 68/26 (187 milliseconds) --> 67/26 (600 milliseconds) --> 66/26 (440 milliseconds) --> 65/26 (1.3 seconds) --> (64/26 2 seconds) --> 63/26 (6.1 seconds) --> 62/26 (1.1 minutes) --> 61/26 (5.98 minutes) --> 60/26 (2.59 years) --> 59/26 (44.495 days).

The idea that the faster hydrogen can be added to an atom coordinated to the neurotransmitter the greater the atomic instability and the faster a person can think. So is there a correlation between speed of thought in the subconscious mind and the operational function of adding hydrogen in to the bound single atom. The greater the instability of the atom the short its half-life which would result in photon release to change the quark geometry in order to attempt to restore symmetry within the atom.

Can memory be stored in an atom itself through this mechanism of adding hydrogen from water to the amine and then into the monoatomic mineral thereby producing an isotope, which has a given rate of decay and therefore stability. The decay process providing the ability to access the stored memory in the form of released light from within the atomic structure of the atom. Is this a plausible explanation for the ability of the subconscious mind to record all information and do it without a second thought. The role of hydration in short term memory has been known for a long time but the proposed mechanism outlined above provides a direct role of hydrogen in the formation of stored memories in the form of monoatomic minerals coordinated to neurotransmitters and their stability / instability related to symmetry in the isotopes formed providing a known release date for that light as the memory within the mind. The role of water in short term memory has been observed where maintaining hydration has a correlation with memory performance. The ability of water to carry protons in the form of the hydronium ion (H3O+) means protons can be added to amine bound to the neurotransmitter going from N
H2 --> NH3+ from water which is then added to the mineral Fe 56/26 to Fe 72/26 adding 16 hydrogens to create Fe 72/26 that releases a photon after 150 nanoseconds to produce Co 71/27 (half-life 79 milliseconds) that generates Ni 70/28 after 240 milliseconds that is converted into Cu 69/29 after 2.85 minutes then into Zn 68/30 which is a stable atom and a long term stored form of memory of the event. So the initial addition of hydrogen via the amine quantum tunnelling mechanism provides a link between water protons and memory formation. Each isotopic change in atom releases a photon of light of given energy to enable propagation of an internal atomic energy cycle. These functions occurring in the subconscious mind and are occurring too quickly for the conscious mind to be able to observe.

Is it the function of physics within the subconscious mind that is lost during aging? If so then the conscious mind that we study as the functional neuron may have little to do with the features of the subconscious mind, which evolved initially, and that is associated with the function of light within the atomic world inside our minds. So how can we explore these atomic functions of the mind to support its memory function in old age and disease states and restore the physics of the subconscious mind?

The loss of brain function and cognitive decline is seen in Alzheimer's disease and Dementia where misfolded proteins have been shown to play a significant role in the formation of plaques and tangles within the brain. The enzymes involved and the proteins have been identified and inhibition of these pathways with drugs has not stopped the steady increase in the rate of Alzheimer's disease. So at present there appears to be few approaches that have produced functional outcomes that can reverse the cognitive decline and the rate of disease is expected to grow as the population ages. 

My approach has been to explore the functional role of the hydroxyl radical generated through photo-Fenton chemistry and delivered topically through the skin by the application of royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey. This natural product produces these high energy electrons (1200 electron volts in 1 billionth of a second) through a light (photo-reduction of coordinated iron bound to the aromatic ring structures of neurotransmitters or in this case the aromatic ring structures of phenolics bound to the royal jelly proteins present in the honey. By isolating the royal jelly proteins from Manuka honey and applying these to the skin they appear to be able to stimulate the generation of high energy short lived radicals within the body and the potential benefits of this in the stimulation of brain physics of the subconscious mind are currently being explored.

Here are some reviews uses of OH BEE HAVE empowering healing have said about using the products in relation to brain function. 
I have used several bottles of the OH BEE HAVE restorative energy product since October 2019. I was very interested in the health value inherent in this quantum technology from the information and expertise Keryn provided. Within the first few days of spraying, I felt uplifted and my brain fog had started to dissipate. My energy felt more sustained during the day. I would usually be lagging by mid afternoon, but I noticed I was able to feel on a more even keel with my energy levels. As someone who has struggled with Hypothyroid and Hashimotos symptoms for 20 years, I found the effects to be soothing and beneficial. I recommend this product to those who need an uplift. Karin


18/05/2020 After struggling with melasma and burning sensations of my facial skin over two years with doctors unable to tell me why, I happened upon this product. I use a few sprays each morning and I’m pleased to report that I haven’t experienced burning skin since using this, even when I go into the sun or drink alcohol which used to be a major trigger. Even the dark spots seem to be lessening, my fine lines are non-existent, and I have been feeling a lot less depressed than I was before using the spray.

Mum says "something is slowing down or stopping my arthritis". I've had her on two sprays a day, one for each hand for a couple of months. Yeah, and her eyes are so clear & she's mentally sharper. Thanks! I have also been using it and definitely more energy & more connected & less reactive too. 

I received a bottle of OH BEE HAVE off Keryn and found it really amazing loved reading up on the science behind the product and I am an energy healer myself so very sensitive to energies and vibrations, using this product I felt I was calmer and more at peace connected to the oneness of the universe. It sure is what it says it is. Highly recommended buying a bottle for yourself and giving it a go for a few months.  

I used up the spray ages ago, but it was great thanks. I got a real buzz off it the first time I used it, but more energy the other times.

The feedback has been positive and people have noticed an improvement in mental well-being from using the product. The properties of the royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey containing apisimin (a hydrophobic [fat loving] protein) make it suitable to pass through the skin. The proteins are 100 nm in size and the antioxidant mineral complexes provide the photo-Fenton chemistry that is responsible for the generation of the hydroxyl radicals.

The ability of such proteins to cross the blood brain barrier has not been investigated. The mechanism of photo-Fenton chemistry (monoatomic minerals bound to the aromatic ring of pehnolics in Manuka honey) and the role light plays in the mind suggested that similar processes are occurring already in the mind due to the similar nature of the structure of neurotransmitter compounds present in brain.
methyl syringate 
Methyl syringate structure present in Manuka honey

Compared to the aromatic ring structure of Dopamine shown below.
Obviously the amine function is not present in methyl syringate so the functional role of addition of hydrogen through quantum tunnelling would be played by the carboxylic acid group in methyl syringate. This suggests that acidic conditions would be needed to enable hydrogen transfer processes from water as the pKa or pH of the acidic group is lower than that of the amine in dopamine. However, the concept of an acid based hydrogen catalysis of quantum tunnelling may also be plausible. So these features of the royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey may assist in the restoration of memory function and there appears to be scientific literature evidence for the mind health benefits of honey. My model and the functional role of neurotransmitters in the creation of memories through the quantum tunnelling of hydrogen provides a logic based approach to understanding how these functions of the mind could occur given our current state of knowledge in physics and the applications of these ideas to biology and mind function.

It will be interesting to determine if cognitive decline can be reversed by using OH BEE HAVE empowering healing NaNos in people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. I currently do not have the answer to this question. The functional role of the hydroxyl radical in biology to enable the cell undergoing apoptosis (a natural cell death process) without stimulating inflammation in the brain suggests that the use of such an approach to support the breakdown of plaques and tangles that have accumulated in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease and Dementia by destroying plaques and tangles and converting misfolded proteins back into CO2 and water is an approach that warrants further investigation. Rather than conduct years of scientific investigation in animals and cells or in test tubes, I prefer to go directly into patients as the product I make is both natural and safe (considered GRAS) and made from Manuka honey and has shown no adverse effects during the evaluation of the product in healthy people. It's topical application is not invasive and provides an easy way to obtain the health giving benefits from the royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey without the presence of sugar. The patent protected product is a revolutionary new approach to provide support for people who are suffering from a range of mind based diseases.

As the hydrogen peroxide generating activity of glucose oxidase has been inhibited by MGO in Manuka honey the presence of sugar in the production of hydrogen peroxide by glucose oxidase is minimized. That is why I remove the sugar leaving behind the 1% of the royal jelly proteins that generates the active ingredient (hydroxyl radical).

What scientific evidence do I have for my proposed model of brain memory storage and brain function?
The human eye has inverted retina. What does that mean? The vertebrate retina is inverted in the sense that the light sensing cells are in back of the retina, so that light has to pass through layers of neurons and capillaries before it reaches the rods and cones.[4] The ganglion cells, whose axons form the optic nerve, are at the front of the retina; therefore the optic nerve must cross through the retina en route to the brain. In this region there are no photoreceptors, giving rise to the blind spot.[5]
blind spotscotoma, is an obscuration of the visual field. A particular blind spot known as the physiological blind spot, "blind point", or punctum caecum in medical literature, is the place in the visual field that corresponds to the lack of light-detecting photoreceptor cells on the optic disc of the retina where the optic nerve passes through the optic disc.[2] Because there are no cells to detect light on the optic disc, the corresponding part of the field of vision is invisible.  

If we consider the evolution of the eye as an event that occurred after the evolution of the subconscious mind (In vertebrate embryonic development, the retina and the optic nerve originate as outgrowths of the developing brain, specifically the embryonic diencephalon; thus, the retina is considered part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is actually brain tissue.[2][3] It is the only part of the CNS that can be visualized non-invasively.), then the role of the eye and the inverted retina provides the ability of the subconscious mind to be examined by the conscious mind and by the cognitive conscious observer. This duality of mind (one based on light subconscious) and one based on electrical circuits (conscious mind) based on neurological function provides an interesting evolutionary perspective. 

Such a perspective, provides an idea that the retina are not inverted but correctly orientated to be able to observe the physics or inner workings of the subconscious mind allowing the conscious observer an ability to interact in a functional way in an inner world of one's own creation in the uncontrolled physics of the mind. If this is the case it would provide an explanation for the visions observed in dreams where light originating from within the monoatomic subconscious mind physics to provide photons that the retina can pick up.  It has been reported that the human retina can pick up individual photons providing an evolutionary basis for the detection of beta decay events (releasing individual photons) within the monoatomic system in the subconscious mind and generating an inner light source for visual dreams. If this is the case, then with our eyes closed we can see light when we are dreaming. The blind spot without photoreceptors may have originally acted as a pinhole camera type lens for light to interact with the atoms within the subconscious mind. Thinking about these strange concepts and then exploring what features of physics would be needed to support such inner workings of the subconscious mind involved in a prototypical vision system. I looked into hydrogen electron transitions as my model of memory directly relates to the use of the hydrogen building block and the building of all other atoms within biology through the addition of hydrogen through quantum tunnelling. This approach provided an opportunity to explore the photo-electric effect that was discovered by Einstein and also look at the wavelengths of light that correspond to the various transitions. What I found is a plausible explanation of a subconscious mind based vision system based on hydrogen electron transitions and Balmer lines that provide the wavelengths of light corresponding to visible wavelengths that the retina can detect. This feature of monoatomic minerals coordinating and the Balmer line transitions of hydrogen suggests the interplay of light with electrons and the functional role of hydrogen as the quantum element in biology that enables isotope generation provides a rationale to memory that can be considered broken in case of diseases associated with the loss of memory.

So how could this physics based memory system be damaged?
If the basis of memory is the physics of hydrogen and quantum tunnelling and interference of this feature of brain physics could lead to loss of memory formation. What appears to be the key players in this memory concept. Light, what minerals are coordinated to the neurotransmitters and the pH, symmetry within the atomic environment allowing hydrogen to be in a form that it has no mass and no charge (two photons) enabling quantum tunnelling. If you consider a photon to be a supersymmetry system when in a symmetrical state, this quantum feature of light could be utilized by biology and in the generation of memory. The quantum tunnelling feature requires sufficient energy for it to function correctly and this could potentially be obtained through the energy provided by light. The energy in UVA light is around 3.4 electron volts. This is sufficient for electron capture to occur for iron coordinated to the aromatic ring of dopamine leading to its photo-reduction. So Fe3+ can be made to turn into Fe2+ using UVA light when bound to the dopamine ring. The interesting thing about Fe2+ is that it reacts with hydrogen peroxide to generate hydroxyl radicals, which have 1200 electron volts of energy and only last for 1 nanosecond. The high amount  of energy released is postulated to assist in the process of quantum tunnelling and in the formation of isotopes coordinated to neurotransmitters. If this is the case then the isotopes generated when reverting back to states of symmetry via beta decay processes could release larger amounts of energy in the range of MeV levels which could have a significant affect on ionization of atoms in that immediate environment. It may be that these types of processes are involved in apoptosis and the conversion of a cell back into CO2 and water. 

The role of physics in biology is only just starting to be explored in the emerging field of science called quantum biology. If these types of processes are involved in apoptosis and the natural death and regeneration processes occurring in neurological tissue and if anti-oxidants capture the hydroxyl radical and break this cycle of regeneration in biology then what would be the consequences of that intervention? It would suggest that apoptosis would not continue appropriately and could lead to the potential accumulation of partly apoptotic cells. I propose the question is the failure of apoptosis responsible for the generation of misfolded proteins in the brain? It would suggest that increasing the generation of high energy short lived radicals that can breakdown the misfolded proteins could provide an opportunity to restore mental clarity by breaking down the plaques and tangles in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. The initial studies in healthy individuals has clearly shown increased energy and mental alertness. If this translates into people with Alzheimer's disease and Dementia then this could be a real game changer for those people current living with those brain diseases.

If you would like to explore the brain health benefits of OH BEE HAVE empowering healing please feel free to get in contact with me or even better try the product and experience the benefits for yourself. Prevention is a better approach than to try and cure a disease. Consider apitherapy prevention approaches to keep your mind functioning optimally. Nootropic benefits of OH BEE HAVE empowering healing are being outlined by people using the products, see the testimonials.