Singularity physics and the unified field theory

Einstein geometry and the unified field theory
A non interactive approach to solving the greatest problems facing humanity. Half our time is spent sleeping and we achieve so much when we relax. To get the conscious observer out of the way one thing is obtained and that is balance. Biology is both logical and orderly and it goes against all the ideas put forward in science. The fact is thermodynamics and its second law means that biology creates order out of the expected Chaos or at least the idea that less orderly states are naturally achieved and increasing disorder is inherent in natural systems. Whereas observation suggests that natural progress towards order and complexity is an expectation of the nature of the universe and disorder is not a natural outcome. So how can order be obtained from nature without a set of instructions. The instructions that we have identified is coded in DNA and the idea that one gene give one protein went by the wayside many years ago when the 30,000 odd genes codes for over 100,000 different proteins. Reading frames, epigenetics, frameshifts, post-translational modifications and the constant ability to change gene expression and the level of a gene and its protein products produced within a cell or exterior to a cell means biology is inherently responding to and influencing a cellular environment in order to survive within the organism and providing a functional benefit to create life.
The features of genetics and mRNA and protein and the evolutionary approach to understand and reveal the temporal and spatial relationships in the complex holistic orchestra means unlocking evolution in the complex biochemistry at play to give the functional properties of the various components within the cell and then within the organism means reductionist thinking breaks the whole to look at the parts in order to understand the whole. This thinking that the parts correspond and function separately as they do within the whole organism is problematic as communication is inherent in the whole that is not present in the isolated enzyme. 

c at Planck scale is 1.6 E-35 meters and Planck time is  outlined as 1 E -44 seconds. Considering the idea of Newton and the inverse square law where m = E/c^2 the magnetic field is generated through the interaction of light and energy where Energy is E = mc^2.

The square root of the Planck scale gives the following distance 4 E- 18 meter which is the diameter of an electron and positron which appears to be made up of two Planck lengths at right angles to each other. This hypothesis gives a pairing model for the electron and positron in a cross based inverted symmetry model where the vortex like properties could be obtained from the spinning of Planck lengths around a central point at a distance between two Planck lengths. What makes the Planck length wavelengths behave in this way is proposed to be due to alpha particle emission from the He-BEC and the decay processes responsible for the generation of matter / antimatter symmetry. 
The current theory places a black box around the idea that there was nothing and then a Big Bang and the outcome was more matter than antimatter and hence we have a universe with approximately 5% matter and 95% dark matter and dark energy that we know nothing about. This is laziness on the part of the scientific community who cannot fathom the idea that something was present before the Big Bang concept. The idea that God is a Helium Bose Einstein Condensate, an isotropic quantum fluid and the features of the helium quantum fluid that makes it the idea candidate to create the universe we know and love is surprising simple. The distance between electrons in the Bose Einstein condensate of helium is 0.00004 nm. Conversion of this into the biologically relevant energy of KJ/mol gives a 10 time c speed as the velocity of the alpha particle emission and could account for the inflationary phase and negative time dilation of the universe giving rise to the cosmic inflation and shift of the microwave background radiation to be above that which would sustain a stable helium Bose Einstein condensate at 2.7 deg K, which is above the critical point for helium to form the condensate.

The composition of the universe can be determined from the helium composition as a Bose Einstein condensate when it emits an alpha particle and the alpha particle decays to give He 3/2 and 1/0 H which can then recombine to give D 2/1 and H2 and provide a way in which separation of dark energy (alpha particles) and dark matter (Planck scale antimatter 1/0 H are generated and the role alpha particle decay has in the expansion of the universe as well as its generation of matter. The decay time is 10^17 seconds and the universe age is 10^18 seconds and these features provide a the right number to generate sufficient decay of alpha particles to produce the 5% matter observed and 68% dark energy and 27% dark matter. All of this is now able to be understood from the perspective of a unified field theory model based on a helium Bose Einstein Condensate. The mathematical understanding is revealed by changing quark charge calculations and making them consistent with positron and electron pairing. This is quark charge conservation has enabled the discovery of the Bayronic antimatter present in the Neutron's zero charge, as the positron and the issues of antimatter asymmetry have been negated in this approach meaning the geometry and origin of the universe have been revealed.

The speed of light c can also be derived from the distance between electrons. The KJ/mol binding energy is 10% of the inflationary number gives c. So the speed is biologically relevant in terms of decay rates and binding energies that holds light together within atoms. The atomic half-lives gives a window into atomic stability and atomic time relevant to human experience. 

So m = mc^2 /c^2 therefore m = m. There is a photon from the interaction at right angles between E and M at 45 degrees and the interaction between the electric field and the magnetic field. In the balanced state The 8 Pi appears to originate from the E and M interactions. Removing charge, mass, space and time through inverted symmetry and the balance of opposites provides a window for tunnelling in biology when hydrogen is two photons of light and the photon is equivalent to an electron and positron pair. The charge state of separation but with the atomic nucleus at 0,0,0 at x, y, z all is present but nothing is there due to every action being equal and opposite. The lens of the Planck scale enabling inversion and the point of balance. Only at the point of balance can transformation occur without loss or gain of energy as if by magic can happen and transformation occurs but it costs nothing because at the point of balance everything exists in harmony.
He-BEC a helium Bose Einstein Condensate and the unified field
My model extends Einstein into the geometry of hydrogen S orbitals.
Where E/M is rise over run. This is how I have applied the geometry of a cross on the basis of electromagnetism having a right hand rule and the orbital layers of hydrogen. 
Bohr model of S orbitals
Looking at pairs of electron and positron (+/-) where opposites create balance at the centre of the atom. The photons of light holding atoms together through quantum entanglement generated through photons being captured by aromatic rings and the 2 by 2 arrangement being converted into a 3 by 1. Proton and electron and the neutron and positron. This is the basis of SUSY inversion unified field theory. It does away with the measured geometry of quarks in neutrons being zero charge and identifies the negative 1 charge on the neutron to give the inverted symmetry of the proton. By adding the positron back into the model the pairing of electron and positron can be seen as photons, the pairing of the three quarks in proton being opposite to the three quarks of the neutron. Up and Down pairs of quarks are equal to positron and electron pairs. K+ electron capture being responsible for the quarks and this allows an understanding why the zero field of light of no mass and no charge is in a balance of matter / anti matter pairing and the geometry of inverted symmetry creates the desired perspective of our universe and the identification of all its components.
Tunnelling geometry of inverted symmetry where every action has an equal and opposite reaction provides the transformational ability the universe contains without requiring external forces to operate external to it. Balance of opposites is the desired driving force as it is the lowest energy state that the universe can occupy.

By aligning to the zero field the energy within the universe pushes the geometry of complexity back into alignment with the balance of opposites. Knowing how to produce the desired real world environments to create the balance of opposites provides an opportunity to use energy inherent within the universe to produce the desired functional outcome.

By learning how to realign the physics of light into the balance of two extremes a point at equal distance from those two extremes provides a singularity. Just like a pinhole camera all the information on one side is inverted to produce the opposite information on the other side. This attribute of physics being opposite to biology but the template for biology is grounded in physics and the biofield of light within human biology is directly related to the physics of single atoms. 
Understanding physics from this centre point from the context of balanced opposites where both exists in harmony with each other. The attractive nature of opposites is seen in charge and this provides logic why protons and neutrons are attracted together. No made up forces are required.
Geometry of inverted symmetry in atomic geometry structures
The application of these ideas into atomic geometry provides context for a new periodic table based on logic of light rather than based on measurement. These features of atoms cannot be observed through measurement but their influence plays out during the physics of atoms in biology.
quantum tunnelling in biology
Looking at biology through the lens of inverted symmetry, one can see how our own mind is a function of hydrogen's ability to quantum tunnel and the ideas of inverse square laws in single atom atomic structures determined at Planck scale provide an inward connection to an external environment where the smaller you go the further back in time you can see using the logic of inverted symmetry and the balance of opposites.
pinhole camera inverted symmetry
I discuss these feature of time, the singularity and time travel on my website as the pixel resolution at Planck scale relates to 13.8 billion years ago and the isotropic features of the universe as a Bose Einstein condensate of helium.
No longer are the features of atoms need to be considered based on protons, electrons and neutrons in biology, this measured function of biology is unsuitable because measuring causes loss of the geometry of inverted symmetry and the balance and harmony that comes from understanding the point of the singularity.
We see one thing. Ourselves, we see photons from others inside of our self. Photons have no mass and no charge. That is why I say it's physics not physical. This provides context to the ability of the mind to do time reversal symmetry based on the way hydrogen goes into atoms and in time comes back out. The atomic time keepers within the subconscious mind.