My own version of a PledgeMe campaign
Immunity Boost
By Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc
Boost your natural immunity to support your health and well-being
Financial target NZ $11,450, where all donations go towards product development and testing for MPro inhibition
$5 donation - get a shout out on social media.
$20 donation - get a free 5mL sample of OH BEE HAVE empowering healing - 200 available
$250 donation - get a free 100mL of OH BEE HAVE empowering healing pain relief - 80 available
$1000 donation - get free access to my online Quantum Biology course - 100 available
Disclaimer: This proposal has not established a direct link between Manuka honey and its potential antiviral properties in relation to the generation of hydroxyl radicals by the "protein isolate" produced by Quantum Technologies Limited. Or has it established the formulation developed as a topical spray as suitable for the treatment of viral diseases or shown any evidence to date, as to its potential to prevent transmission.
The proposed product under development is hypothesized to have the potential to support your innate immune system's ability to destroy pathogens and have the potential to prevent transmission. This PledgeMe campaign funding will be used to establish if there is any merit to developing this idea into a product, that could have the potential to break the chains of transmission by supporting the body's innate immune system. Providing an option, a personal solution, to protect themselves from disease.
There are considerable uncertainties in the development of natural products into a complementary medicine as proposed in this PledgeMe campaign. The scientific and clinical evidence needed to demonstrate safety and efficacy is expensive to produce. The clinical evidence from clinical trials is needed. At this early stage of product development many hurdles need to be addressed, and each step along the pathway can result in failure. The costs associated with this development are high. To overcome these barriers, I am developing a staged approach. Each stage of development needs to be met certain criteria, before moving onto the next stage of development. I wish to use the money raised in this PledgeMe campaign to research and test the ability of the product under development to inhibit the viruses protease MPro.
Latest scientific findings related to COVID and bee products
Honeybee products for the treatment and recovery from viral respiratory infections including SARS-COV-2: A rapid systematic review
This rapid review systematically evaluated the effects of honeybee products compared to controls for the prevention, duration, severity, and recovery of acute viral respiratory tract infections (RTIs), including SARS-CoV-2, in adults and children. Cochrane rapid review methods were applied. Four English databases plus preprint servers and trial registries were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The evidence was appraised and synthesized using RoB 2.0 and GRADE. 27 results were derived from 9 RCTs that included 674 adults and 781 children. In hospitalized adults with SARS-CoV-2, propolis plus usual-care compared to usual-care alone reduced the risk of shock, respiratory failure and kidney injury and duration of hospital admission. Honey was less effective than Guaifenesin for reducing cough severity at 60-minutes in adults with non-specific acute viral RTIs. Compared to coffee, honey plus coffee, and honey alone reduced the severity of post-infectious cough in adults. Honey reduced the duration of cough in children compared to placebo and salbutamol; and the global impact of nocturnal cough after one night compared to usual-care alone and pharmaceutical cough medicines.
Conclusion: More studies are needed to robustly assess honeybee's role in SARS-CoV-2 and non-specific viral respiratory infections.
Propolis, Bee Honey, and Their Components Protect against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Review of In Silico, In Vitro, and Clinical Studies. Abstract: Despite the virulence and high fatality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), no specific antiviral treatment exists until the current moment. Natural agents with immune-promoting potentials such as bee products are being explored as possible treatments. Bee honey and propolis are rich in bioactive compounds that express strong antimicrobial, bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant activities. This review examined the literature for the anti-COVID-19 effects of bee honey and propolis, with the aim of optimizing the use of these handy products as prophylactic or adjuvant treatments for people infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Molecular simulations show that flavonoids in propolis and honey (e.g., rutin, naringin, caffeic acid phenyl ester, luteolin, and artepillin C) may inhibit viral spike fusion in host cells, viral-host interactions that trigger the cytokine storm, and viral replication. Similar to the potent antiviral drug remdesivir, rutin, propolis ethanolic extract, and propolis liposomes inhibited non-structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, and these compounds along with naringin inhibited SARS-CoV-2 infection in Vero E6 cells. Propolis extracts delivered by nanocarriers exhibit better antiviral effects against SARS-CoV-2 than ethanolic extracts. In line, hospitalized COVID-19 patients receiving green Brazilian propolis or a combination of honey and Nigella sativa exhibited earlier viral clearance, symptom recovery, discharge from the hospital as well as less mortality than counterparts receiving standard care alone. Thus, the use of bee products as an adjuvant treatment for COVID-19 may produce beneficial effects. Implications for treatment outcomes and issues to be considered in future studies are discussed.
I will attempt to provide an unbiased approach to present the scientific evidence available in the literature that I have identified and why I think this approach is worthwhile testing and why you should consider funding my PledgeMe campaign.
The problem we are facing with the pandemic is that vaccines provide too greater specificity for one version of the virus. The vaccination approach does not enable protection against all COVID variants, and as mutations can change the way the virus looks to our body, like putting on a new dress, it can avoid the antibodies already present in our bodies generated through vaccination. This would make the vaccines ineffective against any new variants. When this happens we are all back to square one, and round one goes to COVID. My approach is non specific, targeted nasally, where the virus first takes hold, and provides the body with an ability to help naturally breakdown the virus. Potentially stopping transmission and ending the pandemic. Now there are reportedly over 1000 variants of COVID in global cirulation.
Vaccines trigger your body to develop antibodies. Antibodies are large proteins that occur within your blood stream and cannot get inside cells where the virus is busy replicating. Antibodies are part of your adapative immune response, and it takes time for your body to produce these large proteins and mount a response to an infection. The antibody defense mounted by your body is strain specific. The high specificity is a weakness of the vaccination strategy, because the virus can mutate and change the way it looks to the body's defense systems, playing hide and seek. It evolves to survive and so must we.
The virus spreads through inhalation of droplets and that occurs through the respiratory system, which is not well protected by antibodies, even after vaccination. This is a potential reason why vaccines fail to stop viral transmission between people even after vaccination. So masks and social distancing as well as lock-downs and MIQ, daily updates and the inability to travel may be here to stay for the foreseeable future, unless an alterantive strategy can be developed to help STOP transmission.
The approach I am proposing to develop with the money raised in this PledgeMe campaign provides New Zealanders with that opportunity to develop from local resources, a product with the potential to stop transmission by affecting the virus and turning it back into into CO2 and water. The science of apoptosis and radical energy cascades is part of the new biology of physics (quantum biology) that is at the cutting edge of science.
By developing the proposed product through supporting this PledgeMe campaign, New Zealanders can help develop a New Zealand iconic branded "Manuka honey nasal spray" into a product with the potential to STOP transmission by enhancing a persons innate immune system. The product would have GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) and would be considered as a complementary medicine in New Zealand. To market the product for the prevention of transmission in NZ evidence is needed to demonstrate the clinical safety and efficacy. The clincial trials will be performed and testing is outlined in the later stages of product development below. This evidence needs to be provided to MEDSAFE (the NZ complementary medicine regulator) for approval, before the product can be sold in New Zealand with claims proven in clinical testing. This has the potential to help us all get out of lockdowns sooner by breaking the chains of transmission.
The product under development to support a person's innate immune system's ability stop transmission, would be natural and would work non specifically, which means it would have the potenital to affect all variants, and once developed and approved (many steps in this process), will be made available for purchase over the counter (OTC). The product under development will be used nasally, hopefully to prevent transmission and stop infection from occuring. It will allow New Zealanders to arm themselves with another approach to prevent transmission rather than having to social distance and wear masks along with the lockdowns that people are obviously getting sick and tired of. Justification of such approaches is wearing thin. The mandating of vaccination to prevent transmission is unjustified on the basis of vaccines not being able to prevent transmission and protect against all variants and the longevity of immunity produced by vaccinations is questionable.
The product under development is a royal jelly protein isolate prepared from Manuka honey, which has shown remarkable health giving properties in volunteer testing to date. The money raised in this PledgeMe campaign will be used to start the development process by testing the products ability to inhibit MPro (virus protease that is used to make more viral proteins). The product under development is designed to support a persons innate immune system's ability to destroy all variants using hydroxyl radicals, a high energy short lived biologically safe and effective radical, that is naturally produced during phagocytosis and apoptosis within cells of our body. This approach works naturally with the human body and is an adjunct to the governments vaccination strategy.
Because the product is natural, and produced from Manuka honey, it appears to have few side effects, the non specific approach has the ability to turn infected cells harbouring the virus back into CO2 and water by promoting apoptosis (a natural cell death process involved in cell regeneration). This has the potential to help your body to naturally clear the virus from infected cells, preventing further infection and break the cycle of transmission.
The product would be made available over the counter, and adds to the current range of approaches available to help us get out of the pandemic. The Question is.... Can we use this technology to prevent transmission from person to person? This is something that vaccines currently cannot do. Doubly vaccinated people still have the ability to spread variants of the virus that they have not been vaccinated against. This is why flu vaccinations are given yearly, and the reason why variants are causing governments headaches, because the epitope landscape keeps changing due to viruses ability to mutate. This is why we need a Plan B, and why I want to test the technology I am developing from Manuka honey, and determine if this approach has the potential to stop transmission.
Here is the science backing this effort
Manuka honey is a New Zealand Taonga1 and has anti-microbial2, antiviral3,4,5, anti-inflammatory6 and wound healing properties7. Honey has been shown to reduce ashma symptoms when inhaled8. Manuka honey contains methylglyoxal (MGO)9, the so called magic molecule. Anti-microbial honey produces hydroxyl radicals10 when glucose oxide produces hydrogen peroxide from glucose, which reacts with reduced iron and copper (known as Fenton chemistry)11. The inhibition of glucose oxidase by MGO12 in Manuka honey prevents hydrogen peroxide production, therefore, hydroxyl radicals cannot be generated by this mechanism. Antimicrobial synergy between iron and phenolic (antioxidants) has also been noted in Manuka honey13. The generation of hydroxyl radicals based on photo-fenton chemistry has been proposed to be the mode of action in Manuka honey. All the components needed to generate hydroxyl radicals by photo-Fenton chemistry are present in Manuka honey (iron, phenolics, hydrogen peroxide*). The phenolics capturing light and transferring a single electron to coordinated monoatomic iron to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ as a bound atom to the pi electrons in phenolic aromatic rings. The Fe2+ generated reacts with hydrogen peroxide produced by NADPH oxidase in the phagosomes within the macrophage and this produces short lived high energy radicals (hydroxyl radical) that breaksdown biological materials into water, carbon dioxide and ketone bodies14. The generation of hydroxyl radicals is also observed in cells during apoptosis (natural pre-programmed cell death) and is part of a biological death and regeneration system that enables recycling cells in biology15. Quantum Technologies Ltd has isolated royal jelly proteins from Manuka honey responsible for the photo-reduction / photo-oxidation system that produces hydroxyl radicals and superoxides using a patent protected method. This protein isolate appears to be topically bio-available and has a good safety and efficacy profile in humans as shown in several case studies and volunteer testimonials16. The antiviral properties of the product have not been evaluated but it is known that Kanuka honey accelerates cold sore healing (Herpes simplex virus)17 as well as honey products have been evaluated for their potential benefits in helping with prophylactic or adjuvant treatments for people infected with COVID18. The product under development that needs to be tested for potential antiviral acitivity, has been produced in an inhalation spray formulation suitable for upper respiratory and nasal delivery. The funding will be used to research and test if this product under development can affect (inhibit) MPro thiol protease used by the virus to make more of itself.
Molan PC. The antibacterial activity of honey. 1. The nature of the antibacterial activity. Bee World, 73(1): 5- 28, 1992
Ken Watanabe Ratika Rahmasari, Ayaka Matsunaga,Takahiro Haruyama,and Nobuyuki Kobayashia. (2014). Anti-influenza Viral Effects of Honey In Vitro: Potent High Activity of Manuka Honey. Archives of Medical Research Volume 45, Issue 5, July 2014, Pages 359-365.
Maryam Alsadat Hashemipour, Zahra Tavakolineghad, Sayed Ali Mohammad Arabzadeh, Zahra Iranmanesh,Sayed Amir Hossein and Gandjalikhan Nassab . (2014). Antiviral Activities of Honey, Royal Jelly, and Acyclovir Against HSV-1. WOUNDS. 2014;26(2):47-54.
Abdel-Naby Awad OG, Hamad AH (2018). Honey can help in herpes simplex gingivostomatitis in children: Prospective randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Am J Otolaryngol. 2018 Nov - Dec;39(6):759-763.
Benjamin A. Minden-Birkenmaier, Kasyap Cherukuri, Richard A. Smith, Marko Z. Radic, and Gary L. Bowlin. (2019). Manuka Honey Modulates the Inflammatory Behavior of a dHL-60 Neutrophil Model under the Cytotoxic Limit. International Journal of Biomaterials. Volume 2019, Article ID 6132581, 12 pages.
Beck BF, Smedley D. Honey and Your Health. 2nd edn, New York: McBride, 1944 Bergman A, Yanai J, Weiss J, Bell D, David MP. Acceleration of wound healing by topical application of honey. Am J Surgery, 145: 374-376, 1983
Nurfatin Asyikhin Kamaruzaman, Siti Amrah Sulaiman, Gurjeet Kaur, and Badrul Yahaya. Inhalation of honey reduces airway inflammation and histopathological changes in a rabbit model of ovalbumin-induced chronic asthma. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014; 14: 176.
Darius Henatsch, Gertjan J.M.den Hartog, Adriaan, M. Duijvestijn, Petra F. Wolffs, Esther Phielix, Robert J.Stokroos, and Jacob J.Briedéf. (2018). The contribution of α-dicarbonyl compound dependent radical formation to the antiseptic effect of honey. Journal of Functional Foods. Vol 45 pages 239-246.
Brudzynski K, Lannigan R. Mechanism of Honey Bacteriostatic Action Against MRSA and VRE Involves Hydroxyl Radicals Generated from Honey's Hydrogen Peroxide. Front Microbiol. 2012;3:36. Published 2012 Feb 7. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2012.00036.
M.Solís-López, A.Durán-Moreno, F.Rigas, A.A.Morales, M.Navarrete, R.M.Ramírez-Zamora. (2014). Assessment of Copper Slag as a Sustainable Fenton-Type Photocatalyst for Water Disinfection. Water Reclamation and Sustainability 2014, Pages 199-227.
Majtan J, Bohova J, Prochazka E, Klaudiny J. (2014). Methylglyoxal may affect hydrogen peroxide accumulation in manuka honey through the inhibition of glucose oxidase. J Med Food. Feb;17(2):290-3.
Matthew Johnston, Michael McBride, Divakar Dahiya, Poonam Nigam (2018). Antibacterial activity of Manuka honey and its components: An overview. Aims Microbiology, 4(4), 655-664.
Hosokawa Y, Tanaka L, Kaneko M, Sakakura Y, Tsuruga E, Irie K, Yajima T. (2002). Apoptosis induced by generated OH radicals inside cells after irradiation. Arch Histol Cytol. Oct;65(4):301-5.
Marco Minella, Giulia Marchetti, Elisa De Laurentiis, Mery Malandrino, Valter Maurino, Claudio Minero, Davide Vione, Khalil Hanna (2014). Photo-Fenton oxidation of phenol with magnetite as iron source. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Volumes 154–155, July–August 2014, Pages 102-109
How to break the chains of transmission
The TV1 story highlighted the potential of honey to combat viral colds due to its antiviral properties. I have developed a new formulation of Manuka honey by isolating just the proteins containing the active ingredient (hydroxyl radical), and I want to test this protein isolate from Manuka honey, for its ability to inhibit the MPro enzyme. By removing the sugars from the honey, I have produced a formulation from manuka honey that can be delivered nasally as a spray solution, targeting the potential site of infection. I outline how the product works in the following video.
The generation of the hydroxyl radicals has the potential to breakdown the virus into CO2 and water. Our bodies use hydroxyl radicals as part of our innate immune systems defenses, and the Photo-Fenton chemistry responsible for the production of the hydroxyl radicals has been discovered as the ingredient being responsible for the antibacterial and antiviral activity in Manuka honey. Take a look what the isolated royal jelly proteins look like under the NanoSight instrument in the following silent video (words cannot express the magic star like properties of the royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey look like under the NanoSight, when a laser light is used to measure them).
Take a look at what Photo-Fenton chemistry looks like under a microscope to see how the product generates energy using light, that has the potential to break bonds in the virus and oxidise the active site thiol enzyme of the virus, inhibiting it. This process has the potential to break the virus backdown into CO2 and water, using iron based chemistry that naturally occurs within Manuka honey and also occurs within our bodies. see
STAGE 1: In vitro testing of MPro inhibition by the manuka honey protein isolate
Proposed testing to be undertaken to demonstrate MPro inhibition
MPro thiol protease oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and MGO is likely because thiols are sensitive to redox oxidation processes within cells. MGO can react with thiols in a reversible manner, and has been shown to inhibit thiol enzymes previously e.g. cathepsin B. This suggests that other thiol proteases, such as MPro, will be inhibited by this mechanism of thiol oxidation. MPro SARS-CoV-2 has an active site thiol, Cys145. Structural plasticity of SARS-CoV-2 3CL Mpro active site cavity revealed by room temperature X-ray crystallography | Nature Communications. This means there is potential for oxidation of the active site thiol present in MPro protease of SARS-CoV-2, and the product under development has a shot at inhibiting MPro. Without an active MPro, the virus will not be able to make more of itself. As MPro is used by the virus to process viral proteins, helping it to make more active virons, inhibition of MPro can stop viral replication. I also worked with the late Prof Peter Molan on confirming the phagocytosis inhibition by the protein particles present in Manuka honey, which is outlined in this thesis at the University of Waikato. thesis.pdf (
The proteins that I am isolating appear to be taken up into a person's body, and are able to modulate inflammation by inhibiting phagocytosis. An enzyme called NADPH oxidase in the phagocyte The function of the NADPH oxidase of phagocytes and its relationship to other NOXs in plants, invertebrates, and mammals ( produces hydrogen peroxide and this along with the reduced iron mineral present in the isolated Manuka honey royal jelly proteins, react together by Fenton chemistry to produce the desired hydroxyl radical. This appears to be the possible mechanism that stops inflammation and stimulates apoptosis of the inflammatory cells orchastrating the immune response. This bypasses the immune system and allows regeneration without scarring in wound healing.
Costs of doing MPro inhibition testing
1) Testing of MPro inhibition
- MPro substrate DABCYL-Lys-HCoV-SARS Replicase Polyprotein 1ab (3235-3246)-Glu-EDANS trifluoroacetate salt $877 NZD
- MPro enzyme (Sigma) $753 NZD
- SpectraMax M3 (1 year license for SpectraMax M3) $3360.00 + GST
SoftMax Pro 1 year subscription to the latest version of SMP 7 Windows 7/8/10 compatible. 1 license for 1 computer which expires after 1 year. Renewable yearly. Part number SMP7 PROF SUBSCR.
- Other equipment buffers etc needed to conduct the testing (Interlab Quote QU23408)$2430
Total costs for Stage 1 testing: $7,420.00
Costs of rewards postage and product: $4,030.00
Total funds requested for Stage 1: $11,450.00
STAGE 2: Clinical evaluation of isolated proteins from Manuka honey
Stage 2: Not funded by this PledgeMe campaign will involve clinical testing of the complementary medicine product in development, for its ability to stop viral replication and determine its potential to stop its transmission from person to person.
There are a number of steps involved in this process, clinical trial design, trial registration, manufacture of the product for the trial, recruitment of patients etc. A larger team of people will be needed to conduct this research and the costs of conducting this trial is likely to be significant. An initial phase II small pilot study will be conducted to demonstrate that this product has the desired properties to impact transmission by supporting a persons innate immune system. Expected estimated costs are around $100,000.
If this is successful, then a larger Phase III clinical study will be performed. Estimated costs at this stage are around $250,000.
The initial Phase I safety testing has already been performed in human volunteer case studies. This non specific approach could stop all variants. If everything pans out as planned. It is expected that no mutations would be able to escape the products ability to inhibit MPro. The human volunteer clinical case studies performed to date, show that the product appears to be safe and effective for a wide range of clinical applications targeting human health and wellbeing. Below are three testimonials from people who have used the product, developed to date, nasally for hayfever.
I sprayed this product 2 or 3 inhalations through the nose for hay-fever. This product alleviated my symptoms of extreme hay-fever, itchy nose, and watery eyes, immediately and made me feel good and calm as well. The effects lasted for about 3 hours.
Allergies and Congestion - it works! This worked straight away for my partner on the days when anything triggered a sneezing allergy and blocked nose. It would work for a few hours - and then he'd need to use it again. He'd been doing that for a couple of weeks, but interestingly hasn't needed it recently, but it is on standby for if and when he does again! Catherine S.
New Zealand
Subtle and effective: I loved using this product and know that it did lift my spirits when I was feeling a bit blue and upset. Highly recommend this and use it to see for yourself! Thank you for inventing such an effective tool all made naturally :-) A++++ Sommer W.
New Zealand
The results that I am getting from the products that I have developed, for other applications, have been nothing short of remarkable. Testimonials available on my website ( The anti-inflammatory aspects of the product are also expected to be of benefit. The ability to use a natural nasal spray with the potential to stop transmission would be a real game changer, and has the potential to end the pandemic. The governments current strategies appears to be failing due to delta's ease of transmission and people's decisions to live as normally as possible. I have a long way to go, but the dream is.....NO TRANSMISSION = END THE PANDEMIC.
STAGE 3: MEDSAFE registration
Once sufficient clinical evidence from clinical testing has been obtained the product will be registered as a complementary medicine with MEDSAFE. The estimated costs of registration $46,000.
I have already registered the product as a medical device for wound healing applications on the medsafe WAND database, but this is not able to be used for claims related to antiviral activity. I have some clinical volunteer studies that have used the product to treat a range of wounds and burns with positive outcomes. Further developments will be happening in this area in the near future.
STAGE 4: Manufacture of the product and sales
There is amount of expertise and manufacturing capability within New Zealand. I will be tapping into this expertise to produce the product. I do not want to reinvent the wheel but be added as another spoke to get the economic cogs moving again.
What has been achieved to date?
Here is what I have been doing to develop this opportunity to date.
1) I have developed an industrial process to purify the royal jelly proteins from manuka honey that maintains the complexity of the system that produces the active ingredient (hydroxyl radical).
2) I have undertaken characterisation of the product to understand how it works and what is needed in order to maintain its stability to provide shelf life of 18 months.
3) I have determined the mode of action, how the product works and then compared that to what was already known in the scientific literature
4) I have protected the intellectual property of the manufacturing process to ensure economic benefits comes back to New Zealand and the Manuka honey industry.
5) I have developed a new scientific framework called SUSY inversion model, that was needed to understand how this product works using light (photo-Fenton chemistry), and the coordination of iron to phenolics. The new model provides an understanding how light plays a key role in biology and this new model allows sufficient detail to reveal quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement in biological systems.
6) I have developed a formulation that can be delivered nasally targeting the site of initial viral infection.
7) The product has been used by volunteers to determine its ability to reduce the severity of hayfever symptoms, and its healing properties demonstrate relief when used nasally.
8) I have made contact with a company that has 100 tonnes of Manuka honey available to be processed into the nasal spray.
The product Quantum Technologies Ltd is developing OH BEE HAVE empowering healing, performs photo-Fenton chemistry and produces the desired hydroxyl radical, which needs to be tested to determine if it has the ability to destroy pathogens on contact.
1) In vitro testing. The next steps include validating the ability of the product to inhibit MPro. This will be done by showing the product can inhibit the MPro enzyme, which is used by the virus to make more of itself. Inhibition of MPro has the potential to stop the ability of the virus to produce more viral particles within the cell. As the proteins in the product are taken up into cells they can get to where the virus is making more of itself.
This PledgeMe campaign is targeted to get the funds to do this work.
2) Clinical testing. Once, I have evidence for MPro inhibition, the product can be tested in human clinical case studies to determine if patients can be treated to reduce the viral burden using PCR testing of nasal cavity swabs and used propholactically by others in their bubble to prevent the transmission of infection whilst people are in MIQ or in home isolation. This would demonstrate the potential efficacy of the product as a preventative medicine highlighting its ability to prevent transmission between people within a bubble.
3) Regulatory submission. Once the data is obtained for product registration as a complementary medicine targeting transmission, the product will be registered with MEDSAFE and made publicily available to New Zealanders.
4) Manufacture of the product at a facility within New Zealand.
5) Product labelling and bottling and distribution throughout New Zealand.
Your involvement
By supporting my PledgeMe campaign "Immune Boost" you get to have a role in suuporting the development of a product that can help people remain healthy by boosting their innate immune system and in doing so potentially helping New Zealanders health and wellbeing, (IF THIS ALL WORKS!). By breaking the chains of transmission using a nasal delivered broad spectrum antiviral that is under development, together we can make New Zealand a better place to live.
If you have viral disease and want to be part of a volunteer based clinical study to test if product under development can protect others by stopping transmission, then please get in touch with me through my website. I will send you a free sample for trial purposes. Together we are stronger. Thank you for your support. Check out the rewards.
If you just want to help by sharing this information with your networks then please pass on the link to others, who you think would be keen to help.
If you like what I am doing, then please give me a shout out on your social media networks!
Together we can develop a product for New Zealanders, made in New Zealand, from one of
our most precious natural resources "Manuka honey". A New Zealand centered solution to support our health by boosting our innate immunity.
Who am I and why back this campaign?
My name's Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc, I am a quantum biologist, and this PledgeMe campaign is my way of trying to help New Zealanders break the chains of transmission using a natural complementary medicine that I am currently developing from Manuka honey. With the continued disruption of logistics globally making an anti-viral product from locally sourced Manuka honey in a sustainable way, that is natural and supports our local economy, and has the potential to get New Zealand out of lockdowns sooner. This product could assist in New Zealand's economic recovery. This would enable the government to open up the boarders sooner allowing travellers back into New Zealand.
I am a New Zealand scientist, based in Wellington, New Zealand. I have a background in regenerative medicine and biochemistry and have developed a deeper appreciation of quantum biology over the years and its role in human health and well-being. That is why I have spent the last two years developing a deeper understanding of how to produce the product I am developing from Manuka honey.
Here are further details about me and my company Quantum Technologies Ltd.
My previous scientific successes have included developing a regenerative product from sheep stomach for breast reconstructive surgery, hernia repair and the treatment of chronic wounds (Endoform for Aroa Biosurgery), identifying an active ingredient in Chicory for Grasslanz for IBD and a number of other positive outcomes for clients that I have worked on, as a senior research scientist at Callaghan Innovation. Now I own my own quantum biology regenerative medicine company called Quantum Technologies Ltd. I use knowledge of quantum physics in biology (quantum biology) to come up with revolutionary new approaches and find solutions to some of the worlds major healthcare problems. The implimentation of those solutions is where you come in.
Other relevant information
Innate immune boost to prevent COVID19 transmission – OH BEE HAVE empowering healing
COVID19 royal jelly protein spray #antiviral #wellness #health – OH BEE HAVE empowering healing